Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Miami, Vegas, LA, Catalina...boys can suck it!

Hola folks, long time no talk!  The sun has finally decided to come out to play after weeks (literally weeks) of nonstop rain/wind/gloom/ugliness and im praying to the sun god right now.  Lot has happened since we last spoke.  I suppose we should start from the beginning...

Dates: so after a few first dates last last last weekend, its safe to say that i am no longer seeing any of these guys.  one of them was super sweet and nice but honestly no real connection. i texted him after i got back from miami with no response so im guessing he feels the same way. another guy i had great fun with and we clicked really well and i thought he was hella into me until this weekend when i decided to ignore my calls for 3 days even though we planned on hanging out.  here's my rule guy...if ur too busy to hang thats fine, just tell me that ur too busy to hang...my biggest pet peeve in the world is flakers, it is better to call and cancel than to not call and hope ive just forgotten about u.  because honestly i dont forget easily, so more likely than not i remembered that we're supposed to hang out and am more pissed at you for ignoring me than i would be if u cancelled.  so good job fucker cause if u ever wanna see me again u better have an amazing explanation for being such a douche.  last guy i also texted when i got back from miami and we exchanged a few msgs but it seems the trail has run cold...hhmm, im sure we'll encounter each other later seeing as we share friends but i feel like we've simply last interest?

Next thing i'd like to point out is my awesomely amazing vacation i have planned for april.  vegas for girlfriend's bday for 3 days, LA for 3 days to say hi to other girlies, and sailing for 3 days with boy. um hello be jealous!  im so freakin excited its kind of disgusting.  ive been wanting to go back to vegas ever since i went for halloween, its about time i put in another LA trip, miss those girlies...and um on a boat for 3 days with the only boy who doesn't seem to have screwed anything up just yet....im impressed lol

That being said, let's touch on miami.  1 week of utter bliss.  given vacationing with guys (albeit gay or not) is very different than traveling with girls.  for one, ive discovered that munchkin does not understand that i cant get ready in 10 min.  its called shower, blow-dry, curl, make-up, lotion, heels, etc etc etc.  towards the end of vacation he started giving me more time to get ready but uh...lets just say the hair/make up was not up to my standards for the nights we went out (luckily i was perfectly fine with not getting any ass so no harm done).  pretty much it was beach by day, party by night, with a little shopping and a lot of rock climbing thrown in between.  could not have planned (or not planned) it better myself.  Thanks munchkin for showing me around and playing fantastic host!  i even got a tan!  not very much though since i slathered myself in sunscreen for fear of developing melanoma but thats ok a healthy glow is way more attractive than dry leathery skin anyways.

Overall the month of March has been rather succesful, productive, and a little crazy.  now i am shopping for an amazing monkini swimsuite for REHAB in vegas (crazy pool party at the hard rock) and anything else i may wear in vegas/catalina....and if the sun keeps shining like this i am very much looking forward to the month of april (even though the fortune teller says i will suffer heartbreak...whatevs dude, nothing a little liquor cant solve).

Lastly i would like to point out i have succesfully been celibut since jan...we're going into 3.5 months now ppl go me!

Live ur Life,
Victoria Niles

Thursday, March 10, 2011

starbucks and boys and vacation, o my!

so starbucks is running this promotion today, tmrw and sat from 2-5pm if u buy a drink u get a free little treat....amazing, i will be at starbucks all 3 days lol.  that being said some interesting developments have occurred over the last few days. 

1. i  think one of my guys is a little too into me
2. i think another one of my guys is not into me at all
3. i think one of them thinks we're together (which makes me feel bad cause he really is a fantastic guy but i really am not feeling the relationship with him right now)
4. and yet another one has invited me away with him for a weekend...although i could be mistaken cause there could be a bunch of people going and im just delusional and under the impression itll be a nice romantic weekend for the 2 of us...yea gonna have to "probe" as one of my guy friends has put it or "ask him what u need to pack" as my mother would put it

aside from all that my package finally came from modcloth and i am thoroughly excited to be wearing both garments this weekend.  i would take the dress with me to miami except its black and white and has capped sleeves and miami just does not feel like a sleeved dress kind of environment to me lol...but who knows maybe ill bring it anyways ya never know.

officially i am at 126lbs...this also on the record means i have 6 lbs to go to be at my target weight....seeing as dieting alone is no longer working (pretty sure my body's natural weight is around 125) im going to have to start working out.  some people may think this is too skinny...im gonna argue and say that at 120lbs and 5' 4" i will have a bmi of 20 or 21 (can't remember) which is ideal for someone in shape. so there ya go folks...vivian is healthy right now but i could be IDEAL...how fantastic does that sound...also then i could say im at my college weight again and how many folks can say that post graduation.

mom comes home tuesday...gotta say i actually miss that woman...we've been getting along splendidly since i started making money and contributing to the household...all of a sudden im not an annoying parasite and its become more of a symbiotic relationship...yay!

this is a short one cause i have some flights to book and tix to buy...my pto better keep up with me cause i aint stopping any time soon!

Live ur Life (as fabulously as you can),
Victoria Niles

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I believe today (a random Tuesday afternoon mind you) is a perfect time to update you and myself on my new year's resolutions.  in no apparent order (because let's be honest nobody remembers anything i say anyways including myself) we shall address each one and note the progress.

1. the first one i remember is reading a book each month...i did not read a book in febuary but considering i read 3 in january i think i should have a little leeway here.  however i am about to fly across the country next week so i believe reading a book is completely in order (maybs ill hit up border's big close-out sale and see if i can snag something awesome).

2. do not raise my voice at my mother.   alas i actually have been able to keep this one.  we had one fight last month when i really thought i was going to have to rip her head off but i kept my cool (sort of) and did not resort to yelling..just repeating my point over and over again in a stern and forceful tone...baby steps.  things between us have smoothed out a bit and considering how long we've been living together i say we have made leaps and bounds of improvement in our relationship..may the healing continue

3. do not have sex with a man unless we've been DATING for at least 2 months....strangely enough i have yet to break this one as well...that is not for lack of opportunity but saying no is surprisingly easier than i thought it would be.  here's the deal...i dont know if u know but I know that im an amazing catch with much more to offer a man than my feminine wiles.  therefore, it is a good weeding process for me to make him wait because it filters out the guys who do not care what else i have to offer other than my body...which is fine but they can go stick their dicks in someone else's vagina because i am so much more than just a hole to bang.  that being said...vivian has 3 dates this weekend...don't ask me how it happened and no im not leading anyone on (first dates, we're just talking!) but i can see how this will quickly head for a downward spiral...just like senior year at ucla...i had to move to fix that problem *sigh* well we'll see what happens!

4. i will not let a boy make me cry this year.  unfortunately this is not true.  though he has not directly made me cry (as in by anything he has said or done) it did bring tears to my eyes when i realized i may have been taken advantage of.  boys u need to know, when  u do things for a girl like take her out to breakfast after sex or inviting her over to watch a movie and then actually freakin watching the movie...we take these things to mean u actually have feelings for us.  so please dont "be nice" or "considerate"  be HONEST.  if u dont like us then dont do things to pretend show us that u care because then we both know that it was just a random hook up and not to get our hopes up because you dont give a crap about us anyway.  that being said everytime i think of this boy it makes me smile...then it makes me sad because i dont think he feels the same way about me as i have about him for YEARS...and i was drunk and dumb and succumbed to the temptation of falling for him all over again...and until i know exactly how he feels about me i'll never really be able to get over it.  then again part of me doesnt want to know because im afraid i wont like the answer.  boy if ur reading this do me a favor and just tell me how u feel cause im going crazy over here.

5. I will get my abs back...so just fyi i have been dieting for the last week and have successfully dropped about 3lbs.  this week will involve more intense dieting and hopefully another 3 lbs will go bye bye.  post miami viv will have to start some sort of work out schedule to get rid of the last 5 lbs (whether it involves running or something) because i no longer think dieting alone will help..great

6. I will break even by 3/31 and save 70% of every paycheck starting 4/1. i am happy to say i have totally paid my mom back in full, broke even and have just started saving 30/70. and im a WHOLE MONTH EARLY! go viv...ur amazing, we'll see if ur saving habits can carry through miami

7. I will find a job in la or nyc, officially i have applied to 5 jobs and am applying to a couple more today...i really need to pick up the slack on this cause 5-8 jobs in 2 months is absolutely not enough.

8. I will save 1 day a week to myself. ok so ive been kinda dropping the ball on this one..the weekend is pretty much booked everyday from fri night through monday morning cause im hanging with friends...and the last couple weeks i have been working full days everyday.  but soon i will have a week of vaca so yay!

9. I will visit la at least 2 more times this year. i am planning an la trip in april....so socalers...watch out!
10. I will not give into the temptation of drink. haha so funny story about this one...i have not drank when i felt like i could use a drink...thats not to say i havent been clubbing and drinking a ton while out haha...however i have not been sloppy drunk since ive made this decision so baby steps..props to me

There you have it...now we're all officially caught up.  another recap will probably happen in a few months but next weeks posting will probably be about the dates this weekend and SPRING BREAK!
Live ur Life,
Victoria Niles